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EDITORIAL: Plastic bags solution must be provincewide

EDITORIAL: Plastic bags solution must be provincewide

Municipalities like Victoria need to work with other local jurisidictions
EDITORIAL: Retail theft not a victimless crime

EDITORIAL: Retail theft not a victimless crime

Chasing down of Langford store thief prompts discussion of theft in general

EDITORIAL: B.C.’s new high heels law a sensible solution

Now that legislation banning the forced wearing of high heels in the workplace is moving ahead, it seems appropriate to comment on how we got here in the first place.
EDITORIAL: Mutual respect a goal for Choices and View Royal neighbourhood residents

EDITORIAL: Mutual respect a goal for Choices and View Royal neighbourhood residents

The next nine months will offer choices for all

EDITORIAL: Rock the Shores could be a big loss

Some creativity required to keep society out of the red
EDITORIAL: Transit funding is just a start for the West Shore

EDITORIAL: Transit funding is just a start for the West Shore

A $1.63 million funding announcement from the province might sound nice, but it's merely a short-term solution.

EDITORIAL: Sewage plant feeds tax hikes

While West Shore municipalities work to finalize their 2017 budgets, there's a few items contributing to tax increases

EDITORIAL: Province must find class funding

The expression, you can pay me now or pay me later, sprang to mind when we heard SD62 must purchase 28 portable classrooms.

EDITORIAL: Goose trail safety a complex issue

Additional lighting in Colwood and elsewhere may be just one solution