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SUZUKI: Study finds Exxon misled the public by withholding climate knowledge

SUZUKI: Study finds Exxon misled the public by withholding climate knowledge

Coal, oil and gas are tremendous resources: solar energy absorbed by plants and super-concentrated over millions of years. They’re potent fuels and provide ingredients for valuable products. But the oil boom, spurred by improved drilling technology, came at the wrong time. Profits were (and still are) the priority — rather than finding the best, most efficient uses for finite resources.
MAYOR’S MESSAGE: Victoria to remain a human-scale city, Lisa Helps says

MAYOR’S MESSAGE: Victoria to remain a human-scale city, Lisa Helps says

High density development areas targeted in previous consultation with residents, businesses
B.C’s highway rest areas are a disgrace

B.C’s highway rest areas are a disgrace

I’ve got a job that should be top priority for our new Highways minister
No easy answers in ICBC mess

No easy answers in ICBC mess

David Eby blames problems that have already been fixed
No easy answers in ICBC mess

No easy answers in ICBC mess

David Eby blames problems that have already been fixed
Grizzly hunt ban aims at cities

Grizzly hunt ban aims at cities

John Horgan’s NDP rushes announcement to raise money
SUZUKI: Wildfires are a climate change wake-up call

SUZUKI: Wildfires are a climate change wake-up call

Roughly 600,000 hectares have burned so far this year, blanketing western North America in smoke
OPINION: Battle against intolerance will be fought in history classrooms

OPINION: Battle against intolerance will be fought in history classrooms

A complete accounting of the past – not platitudes – is our best weapon against racist mistruths
DAVID SUZUKI: Wildfires are a climate change wake-up call

DAVID SUZUKI: Wildfires are a climate change wake-up call

Human and economic impacts of climate change staggering, Suzuki says
BC VIEWS: Notes from the forest fire zone

BC VIEWS: Notes from the forest fire zone

Media hype aside, this is not the worst fire season ever