If you can’t stand the heat, you might want to get off the Island. That could be a familiar refrain around Greater Victoria this weekend, where temperatures are expected to soar into the 30s.
Environment Canada is calling for highs of 28 C Friday, 32 C for Saturday, 33 C Sunday, and climbing to 37 C on Monday for the south Island. The nights won’t be bringing a lot of relief either, as lows are expected to remain in the high teens.
The heat wave comes with the familiar reminder to think of your furry friends. Heatstroke can be fatal for dogs, and drivers shouldn’t leave pets unattended in a parked vehicle even during a quick run into the store.
ALSO READ: Avoid giving dogs ice cubes, says Greater Victoria vet
VicPD responded to two distressed dogs in a vehicle last month. While the outside temperature was only about 16 C at the time, temperature inside the vehicle soared to 47 C.
ALSO READ: Two Victoria distress calls a reminder that hot cars can be fatal to dogs left inside
Pet owners are advised to keep a bowl of cool water available and to avoid taking dogs for walks during the heat of the day. Hot pavement can cause significant damage to their paws. Cooler early morning and evenings are the best time to take dogs for a walk.
Dogs don’t sweat like humans do and can’t release heat from their bodies at the same rate, and are more susceptible to succumbing to heatstroke and heat exhaustion in a shorter period of time.
“Signs of heatstroke include exaggerated panting, rapid or erratic pulse, salivating, anxious or staring expression, weakness or lack of coordination, vomiting, convulsions and collapse,” said Lorie Chortyk with the BC SPCA.
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