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Your election vote can make a difference

Voting not just a right or privilege, it is our duty, writes Langford resident

The federal election is fast approaching and the chance to make your voice heard is more important than ever.

On Oct. 19 we can and must make a difference. No matter what your party colour is, if you have been unsatisfied with what is happening in our government, you must make that small, yet powerful effort to vote.

After each election, I hear people gripe about how poor our government is treating us, or affecting laws. When I ask if they voted, I all too often hear “no.”

This is a shame and I tell them, as a non-voter they have no right to complain unless you at least vote. You have a voice, you must use it.

Voting is not just a right or privilege, it is our duty. How can we call this country a democracy when only 61 per cent of us voted in the last federal election?

There are issues way beyond economics at play here.

The environment, cutbacks to many social services, the stifling of our scientific community to name a few. Whether you are young or old, you can learn, ask and make a decision on who you want to run our great country.

Take some time, ask questions, Google topics, engage in your democracy and then take the one single action that only you can do: vote.

Rod Stiebel
