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View Royal needs to put residents first at Christie Point

Mayor Screech, council, called on to help preserve community

Re: Christie Point redevelopment

Victoria is in the middle of a housing crisis that, without amendments to the Residential Tenancy Act, is only going to get worse.

Property owners keep harping on the fact that ‘renovictions’ resulting in mass displacement of tenants are “perfectly legal” and “within their rights.” This is true. But just because something is legal doesn’t mean it is right.

While legal at the time, I’m pretty sure most people would agree that it was not right to segregate bus seating based on skin colour or deny someone the right to vote based on gender – but people did it anyways. Sometimes our laws need to change. That’s called progress.

As it stands, developers have the right to maximize their profits at the expense of people. The philosopher Raymond Aron once said, “When inequality becomes too great, the idea of community becomes impossible.”

At what point are those in positions of power going to step in and protect our more vulnerable citizens? How many residents must be displaced from their homes before council takes notice and creates legislation that accounts for ‘ethical’ responsibility?

Let’s speak up and ask Mayor Screech to put “residents” back in his campaign motto, “Residents First.” Because I, for one, want to live in a community. Don’t you?

Michelle Wright

View Royal

About the Author: Black Press Media Staff

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