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Lost wallet leads to courtesy debate

Insensitive man in Colwood leads moviegoer's daughter to speak out

I am writing today to express my total dismay with the lack of empathy and conscience of certain people.

My mother lives in Colwood and attended a movie at the Cineplex Odeon Westshore theatre late yesterday afternoon. During the movie she got something out of her purse and her wallet accidentally fell out. She did not realize this until she was having dinner out.

She immediately went back to the theatre and the workers there let her in to go back to her seat. The opening credits were just starting, the movie had not yet begun.

She immediately went to her seat and asked the middle aged man if she could have a quick look under the seat. I am absolutely appalled that he said no.

If you are the person that was sitting in that seat, you may want to be very glad that I was not there. I am disgusted that you sent a 75 year old woman on her way and feeling very distressed. My only wish is that you meet karma.

As for the kind person who did put the wallet on the end of the seat row during the last show, I thank you for your kindness.

My mom was so worried that she went back to the theatre at midnight and was able to get her wallet back.

But, I am still amazed at the behaviour of this so called man. Unforgivable.

Linda Lanyon
