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Keep dogs on a short leash

Listen up, dog owners. Sooner or later your pet will get out of your house, yard or off its leash.

Listen up, dog owners. Sooner or later your pet will get out of your house, yard or off its leash.

I repeat, will. It is not natural for them to be cooped up and restrained, it is natural for them to defend, so they will keep trying to get free to defend their property by attacking people — unless you train them well.

The difference among dogs I see is amazing. Some are well-trained, others hardly. Some are friendly, others eager to attack. Some smart, others dense.

Training advice and services are available from many sources. If you care about your dog, you’ll expend the effort. If you don’t, society will curb both of you through the justice system.

If your dog attacks someone riding a bicycle or tending their garden, which has broken my friends’ bones, I consider you knowledgeably negligent.

Keith Sketchley
