Shocked as I was, I thought the federal government couldn’t top the G8/20 spending spree, that spreading about of taxpayer money. Not so.
The dollar figure may be lesser but, aside from the locale and perhaps Canadian participation, what’s with the war of 1812 celebration? I understood it was a battle between Britain and the U.S. What’s to celebrate?
And then there’s the latest announcement of sending $10 million to Libya to help them out.
I believe we already send $10 to 15 million. I don’t begrudge helping other countries but should we not help out Canadian first, or at least share the largess with them, on such as health care or job creation.
Moreover, when that country settles down what’s to stop it falling into the hands of clerics, as did Iran, with us helping to fund that result?
And then there is the promise to lower the federal deficit — seems an elusive goal when precious funds are frittered away or allocated with a lack of due thought and consideration.
Don Wilkes