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Enforcement is key to slowing down traffic in Langford

A Saanich resident writes about Langford's traffic issues.

Re: Langford neighbourhood airs traffic concerns (Gazette, Sept. 14)

So it’s the parents who are the biggest traffic problem, judging by your story. No surprise, in Saanich parents speed in school zones while driving their children to school – what role models for children.

As usual, the question is “Where are the police?” Langford Mayor Stew Young talks about getting many more on the street, though Langford has been accused of being slack on funding traffic enforcement. There are deliberately dangerous drivers in that city who will only respond when police are in their face repeatedly.

As for walking children to school in the rain, gosh, that’s better than walking in snow as I did when in school, carrying a kerosene lantern for safety, wearing insulated water-resistant boots. Here, gumboots should be fine, children could decorate them.

Keith SketchleySaanich