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Cartoon on officer’s death devalued mental illness

Both people in tragic Alberta situation deserved to live

Re: Editorial cartoon, death of Const. David Wynne (News Gazette, Jan. 28)

I am offended this cartoon in regards to the priority order of murder/ suicides.

There is no question, every time a person is killed, either in uniform in the line of duty or in the general public, by someone suffering mental health issues, it is a tragedy to the family, friends and society in general.

It is also tragic that before this heinous act was contemplated, there was a failure to recognize the mental illness and supply treatment that may have prevented the act.

What is suggested in the cartoon violates our moral and society’s standard that every life is worth saving. I do not think David Wynne went to work as a police constable with the attitude the cartoon portrayed, in relation to his death.

I suggest that an apology to your readers and his family in is order, as is a statement of support to the front-line workers on the mental health battlefield. With underfunding it is a difficult and demoralizing battle.

Kenneth Wray Pinnell
