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VIDEO: Langford critter causes panic; screams prompt call to police

Officers help after raccoon fights dog, residents, then finds itself locked in a bathroom

In a rare case of catch-and-release everyone seems OK with, residents and their dog are healing from a late-night visitor on Aug. 22.

West Shore RCMP was called to the same Langford neighbourhood twice just before 10 p.m. – one for screams coming from a home in the 500-block of Leckfield Avenue and another reporting a dog that had been attacked.

As it turns out, the medium-sized dog had faced a raccoon in the yard, said media relations officer Cpl. Nancy Saggar in a news release. The pet was then chased into the house where the raccoon fought residents, before being trapped in the bathroom, prompting a call to police.

RELATED: BC SPCA offers tips as young Greater Victoria raccoons go it alone

“This was a bizarre encounter for police. We generally do not attend wildlife calls, however, residents in the home had received injuries from this animal and animal control was not available, so the officers stepped in to help,” Saggar said.

Officers captured the raccoon using a dog pole and a lacrosse stick.

After putting up a pretty decent fight, the raccoon was caught by police and released outside.

The residents and the dog received minor injuries in the altercation.

About the Author: Christine van Reeuwyk

Longtime journalist with the Greater Victoria news team.
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