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Sewage treatment debate still relevant

Re: Sewage forum comes too late, Our View, June 1, 2011.

I was at this well-organized forum and if a government representative had been there, they could have explained why the government thinks Victoria needs a land based waste treatment system.

I understand why a Capital Regioal District representative was not there — the CRD have not had the will to stand up to the government and say “no” when the science tells us we do not need this here.

The worst that could happen is that they get fired, no? Someone at some point does need to be rational about this, even if millions has been spent.

Does it make sense to send more money down the drain on an unnecessary project that will actually be more environmentally unfriendly than what we already have?

Someone at the forum intelligently suggested that we stop this charade and start spending sensible dollars on marketing our efficient, effective water based sewage treatment to the world.

Science tells us that any future money urgently needs to be spent on water runoff and source of pollutants management.

Jennifer Sutton

Oak Bay