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Pilgrim garden a loss but Happy Valley's Willing Park in Langford could be utilized

The growing conditions at Willing Park Community Garden are excellent so hopefully the Pilgrim gardeners could go there

Re: Community laments loss of gardens (News, Feb. 20)

Really sorry to see another local source of food disappear.  There are so many benefits to urban community gardens including health gains for participants, educational opportunities, economic benefits, environmental benefits, cultural opportunities, community building, youth engagement, crime prevention, and urban improvements.

The City of Langford has a large, community garden plot at Willing Park in the Happy Valley area.  The garden was operated by volunteers for years, but did not have access to water and was not served by public transit. Now the park is surrounded by new developments that probably have connecting bus service and a water main close by.  The garden area is deer fenced but is becoming overgrown with grasses and invasive species.

A small group of locals tried to resurrect the garden in 2010, but there were not enough committed people to get it going again.

The growing conditions at Willing Park Community Garden are excellent so hopefully the Pilgrim gardeners could go there.

Ron Rayner
