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Marine life important, but so is the cost

Lone plant at McLoughlin Point best idea, Clover Point idea makes no sense

My vote is for building a plant at McLoughlin Point,  the site already owned by the Capital Regional District and recommended years ago.

It is the cheapest option, will meet all regulations and requirements and is currently zoned for sewage treatment facilities.

I also believe that no sewage treatment plant should be built at Clover Point, which would save taxpayers $264 million, a huge mess, risks of accidental sludge truck spills and years of construction disruption along Dallas Road.

My interest is the health of the oceans and getting the best deal for our money.

Although human waste may be good fertilizer, poisonous heavy metals, various pollutants flushed down the toilets, hospital waste, pharmaceuticals, cleaning and personal care products containing micro plastic beads and hormones are a serious threat to sea life and need to be filtered out.

These things in the bottom of the seafood chain end up in our whales, dolphins, porpoise, seals, salmon, etc.

We can do something about it If we care about the ocean.

Ana McGregor

Oak Bay