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Letter: Many scientific views to draw from on climate

One resident questions the impact CO2 has on climate temperature

In objecting to Tom Fletcher’s views on climate alarmism, several letter writers call for “science” while ignoring science explaining that CO2 can have only limited effect on climate temperature, that climate has been warmer in the past, accurate temperature records show no increase for over 16 years, Antarctic ice has been increasing, humans do better in warmer temperatures, and our food source does better with more carbon dioxide.

Why do they push their own definition of ‘science’?

They ignore thousands of scientific studies and the 31,000 Individuals with scientific or other degrees who signed the Oregon Petition, as well as the viable theories for climate variation. They ignore that alarmist theories, aka “models,” fail miserably in predicting climate.References include the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change’s own analysis (Third Assessment Report, chapter 6), archaeology studies proving that Vikings farmed southwest Greenland during the Medieval Warm Period, temperature data from balloons and satellites, many botanical research studies, abundance in tropical climates and ice data linked from the world’s most popular climate blog (

Why do people ignore solid science in favour of anti-human superstition? Such mentality began with Plato and was embellished by the subjectivist Immanuel Kant and the confused Karl Marx, whose phoney ideology was the most murderous of the 20th century. Look at the beliefs of prominent alarmists like James Hansen, who initiates force, and David Suzuki who blamed businesses for all ills in his speech to the Occupy mob in Vancouver. Yes, that’s the David Suzuki who was revealed on Australian TV as ignorant of the sources of temperature data he uses, lives on two expensive properties and jets around spewing carbon while trying to deny poor people the benefits of affordable portable energy.

Such people evade what is all around them – people planting and nurturing, secure shelter from weather, clean water, abundant food and advanced medical care. Why?

Keith Sketchley
