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It’s not the sight of deer that’s the problem, it’s the damage

It’s impossible to grow any sort of thing without taking extraordinary protective measures.

Re: What is the correct number of deer? (Letters, Sept. 19)

Andre Mollon is keying in on the wrong part of Rhonda Wentzel’s letter. It’s not that she (or I) is/am offended by the sight of deer.

I’m also a resident of Belmont Park and I’ll reiterate the points that it’s impossible to grow any sort of thing without taking extraordinary protective measures, and there are little mountains of deer droppings on every lawn.

I’m not offended by the sight of deer, it’s what they do to the neighbourhood that’s the problem. Where else can we take this? How many bears is too many? (One.) How many cougars is too many? (It depends on how many attacks there are, I suppose.) How many raccoons is too many? (All of them.)

This is all wildlife Belmont residents deal with on a regular basis, whether it be raccoons (or bears) ravaging the garbage, or cougars being sighted or deer eating every recreational garden and pooping all over the place. Deer are a nuisance, and I don’t disagree with Rhonda’s broad stance on something being done about them. If Mr. Mollon thinks they’re that great, he can have some of ours.

Dominique Tetreault
