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Heavy fines appropriate for vehicle cell phone use

Put the phone away while in your vehicle, reader insists

So some drivers had a hissy fit because they were fined big time for having open alcohol in their hand – the alcohol was actually a cell phone, or they were actively texting.

What I am trying to emphasize is that one is just as much a hazard as the other. Well so sad, too bad, put the phone away and you won’t get the fine. Don’t blame the police officer for that, blame yourself.

It’s like a 16 year old being an hour late for their curfew, then trying to put the blame back on their parents after getting grounded.

The witch above did not put her cell phone away and look what happened. Why do you suppose that flying saucer crashed in Rosewell, New Mexico in 1947? Because the alien piloting it was flying while talking on his intergalactic phone instead of letting his passenger take the call.

Need I say more? Don’t phone and drive, at least not at the same time.

Andre Mollon
