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Government pensions are high compared to common person

The truth is as individuals we can do so little, but as a group we can do a lot.

I have been researching the government pension plan.

Members of parliament receive between $157,000 and $314,000 per year. After six years service MPs are entitled to a pension. This is calculated at three per cent, times years of service, times salary.

The average MP pension is $78,000.

MPs I am sure believe they deserve the pension. Maybe they might be right, if the government was not planning to raise the eligibility to 67 from 65 to save money. They aren’t right so long as hard working Canadians struggle to keep a roof over their heads and food on the table.

If normal people had received $157,000 and $314,000 per year, they could have been able to set aside a retirement fund. Instead most of us earn closer to $45,000 and try to raise a family while paying taxes to cover government expenses.

I call on Canadiansw to protest, don’t hold back your opinion. If everyone who felt like me emailed their MP they might take our concerns seriously.

Remember silence implies consent. Anyone can sign a petition. The truth is as individuals we can do so little, but as a group we can do a lot.

Stephen Nordquist

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