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Find solutions, don’t just complain

Re: Region must unite for greater good, Letters, Feb. 29, 2012.

Re: Region must unite for greater good, Letters, Feb. 29, 2012.

As a taxpayer in one of the 13 municipalities that make up Greater Victoria, I take huge exception to a letter published on Feb. 29.

The author, Sherry Baird, speaks of numerous topics, incensed at various levels of government in our region. I wish she would do a bit more research before making such inflammatory statements as:

“View Royal municipality is a prime example of a fiefdom wasting resources on useless projects. One example being: the decommissioning of illegal suites. Why would anyone want to force homeowners to rip out wiring and plumbing and force people to make areas of their homes unliveable?”

I would like to call to Ms. Baird’s attention a fire that happened just recently, in an illegal suite, where fire officials cited various safety infractions that could have prevented the occupants from exiting safely.

Thank goodness the parent and child were able to get out safely. This is just one example of why it is so important to have suites brought up to B.C. Building Code.

This code is in place for protection of the occupants, not a cash grab for the municipality.

When one factors in the amount of time it takes to process an application for a legal suite in a municipality, building plan checks for B.C. Building Code standards, inspection of the suite, and everything in between, it is probably a cash loss for the municipality.

I concur with her that regionally we need to work more co-operatively. Unfortunately, the negative tone of her letter speaks to all of the challenges and offers no solutions, beyond civil disobedience.

This to me is not an effective way to solve anything and only serves as complaining.

There are citizen committees, at all levels of government that truly influence change. Some of the best ideas for change begin at a citizen level.

I would encourage any taxpayer that is having a challenge with anything in their immediate community, regionally, provincially, federally or globally to become part of the solution, not part of the problem.

Sue-Anne Carter

View Royal