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Beautification not a priority

Re: Colwood strip gets a makeover, News, Nov. 9, 2011.

Re: Colwood strip gets a makeover, News, Nov. 9, 2011.

I went to the Church of the Advent all-candidates meeting, read through numerous campaign brochures, and also read write ups in both the Gazette and Colonist.

What I've been looking for are people running that have the interest of the residents of Colwood as their main goal. After all, it is the residents of Colwood who are electing them to represent the people and their necessities they need, not the developers or people from outside this area.

I am wondering what some of these candidates are thinking, when I hear that they want to use the gas tax to beautify Colwood Corners with sidewalks and landscaping.

I see very few people walking down the side of the road between Wale Road and the casino. Would it not make more sense to put this money to better use for the residents with something that many need daily?

I am referring to streetlights along Veterans Parkway between Kelly and Sooke roads. I have found this area bad for visibility at night and especially with the winter rains.

I feel that my vote will go to the people running that deal with the basics and the residents wishes, and not waste money on frills that are not a necessity. That should only come after all the necessities are taken care of.

They are campaigning stating they are trying to get our finances under control. I hope they consider the average citizen would appreciate things that effect most peoples' daily lives — the basics such as lighting, better roads, sidewalks and bike lanes, not window dressing for appearance sake.

We should live within our means, not try to copy other municipalities to try and fit in. I'm hoping there are a few candidates with basic down-to-earth common sense, and know how to live within our means, plus work for the people of Colwood.

David Cotter
