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Bad drivers cause crashes, not roads

Re: Poor planning creating Millstream auto crashes, Letters, Dec. 16, 2011.

Re: Poor planning creating Millstream auto crashes, Letters, Dec. 16, 2011.

A letter about the lights on Millstream Road and the Trans-Canada Highway pointed to a far greater issue with the driving public.

Driving in Victoria is like driving in a bumper car game. I cannot specify percentages accurately, but in my observance, most people do not:

1. Stop at stop signs;

2. Stop at yellow lights  (I was once rear-ended for doing so on Millstream Road);

3. Observe the speed limit;

4. Stop before entering a crosswalk;

5. Stop before crossing a sidewalk;

6. Stay within the yellow and fog lines;

7. Use signals appropriately;

8. Follow at a safe distance.

ICBC makes it very difficult for young people to get a driver’s licence. It should be just as difficult to keep your licence.

Tests should be conducted every few years to determine whether a driver is familiar enough with the rules of the road to hold a licence. This is not the Wild West. We live in a society with rules.

You cannot idiot-proof the streets and highways.  You can only keep the idiots off of them.

Allison Barber
