Tanara Oliveira/News Staff
The City of Langford has taken a step forward in shaping the future of its urban landscape with the launch of a public engagement initiatives for the inaugural Urban Forest Management Plan (UFMP).
This plan is poised to outline Langford’s 25-year vision and values for urban forest management, addressing the challenges faced by the city’s urban trees and their maintenance.
Langford’s residents are invited to participate in an open house event scheduled for Nov. 15 from 5 p.m. to 8 p.m. at City Hall located at 877 Goldstream Ave.
Residents are encouraged to visit LetsChatLangford.ca until Nov. 27 to complete the survey and contribute their valuable insights to the formulation of the city’s UFMP.
The UFMP is set to encompass a range of objectives that will guide the city in preserving and enhancing its urban canopy. It will feature an array of tailored actions to bring the community’s vision for its urban forest to life. The UFMP will provide a crucial baseline assessment of Langford’s current urban forest condition, presenting a roadmap for future program goals, recommendations, targets, operational plans, and policies to support its implementation.
“Langford council recognizes the significance of Langford’s urban forest and wishes to formalize its protection and management through the creation of the city’s first Urban Forest Management Plan,” said Langford Mayor Scott Goodmanson, in a news release. “This plan will provide guidance to city staff and council during future decision-making related to development, infrastructure improvements, and parks planning. I encourage all Langford residents to participate in the public engagement initiatives taking place over the coming months as the UFMP is developed to ensure the plan truly reflects the needs of the greater community.”
The initial phase is designed to solicit community input and insights for the impending draft plan. The second phase, slated for spring 2024, will be dedicated to gathering feedback on the drafted UFMP.
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