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Thrift store moving to new digs in Sooke

Relocating to old library site on Anna Marie Road
Bev Lewis, manager of Sooke Family Resource Society Thrift Store, says the move to the old library building will improve services to the community. (File - Sooke News Mirror)

Sooke’s community thrift store is closing the book at its current location to begin a new chapter at the old library.

The Sooke Family Resource Society Community Thrift Shop at 6715 Westcoast Rd. will begin its move to the former home of the Sooke branch of the Vancouver Island Regional Library at 2065 Anna Marie Rd. on July 9,

“We will be open at the new location on July 14, providing everything goes as it should,” said Bev Lewis, thrift store manager.

“It’s a larger location, and more space means we’ll be able to provide more items for the community, and that’s needed during these (challenging) economic times.”

Nicky Logins, executive director of SFRS, said most services offered by the society are not funded to the level that supports the need in the community.

“We continue to see children and youth, families, and adults with disabilities who need more than we have the resources to offer,” she said.

Several years ago, SFRS began to explore ways to improve and enhance its services without relying on regular funding revenues.

When the local thrift store closed suddenly in 2015, SFRS decided to fill the service gap and created its thrift store.

“After six years of committed support of our community volunteers, donors, and customers, we have a successful thrift shop social enterprise which reinvests all profits in SFRS services,” Logins said.

SFRS is asking for help from organizations and individuals who can provide a truck or help with the move. The new location will also need more volunteers to assist in the larger space.

Anyone interested in helping with the move or volunteering at the new location can contact Lewis at 778-352-3001.

For more information on other services, please go online to

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About the Author: Rick Stiebel

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