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John Stubbs Memorial school Grade 6 students students Christmas traditions

“It has been a wonderful Christmas morning!” said Ella excitedly.
Jasmine Connolly's Christmas tradition story from Sangster elementary school's grades 3/4 class.

The Lost Christmas Dog

One glimmering white snowy day, my mom and I were getting Christmas decorations ready. “Mom,” I called, “can I decorate my room now?” "Sure,” Mom said. I decorated my room a bit then laid down on my bed then said to myself I always wanted a puppy when I will get one?

After we put up our decorations, it was time for Christmas dinner; my aunt came first with my uncle, then grandparents then family friends. I love Christmas dinner spending time with your family, that’s what matters most.

After a couple minutes my mom and I went up to my room so she could tuck me good night. “Good night Kalista." “Good night mom.”

In an hour or so Kalista woke up to a jingling noise, it was Santa in his slay. Since I saw them they took me with them to the North Pole, when we got there I got to meet the elves, Mr. Santa Paws, his dog, and Mrs. Paws. "You came at a great time," Mrs. Paws said, “I am about to have pups, I was so excited not only that I love dogs also I get to watch her give birth."

After they watched her give birth to her pups I was time for me to go home. “Bye,” the elves said as Kalista left. When she got home she realized a pup came back with her so after she got home her mom came she saw the pup and they had a new family member and live a happy Christmas.

Shianna McLean, Grade 6


The Excitement

“I am so excited!” screamed Ella to Gracie as Gracie woke up. It was December 25th at 6:02 am. Judah, Ella and Gracie’s brother, came running in shouting, “It’s Christmas! But sadly it’s only 6:05.” Gracie said, “We have to wait ’til 7:00 to wake up Mom and Dad. What are we going to do?” Ella said, “I guess we just have to wait.”

So they waited for 57 minutes. “One more minute,” said Gracie, “I can hardly wait.” When it was 7:00, they ran into their parents room, bringing their sacks of presents. “It’s Christmas!” shouted Judah. “Can I get Olivia?” asked Ella. “Sure” said their Dad. Olivia is their two-year-old sister. Once they got up Olivia, they sat down on Mom and Dad’s bed.

“1, 2, 3,” said their Mom as she took a picture. “You can open your presents now,” said their Dad excitedly. During that moment, all you can hear is “Oh thanks!” or “I really wanted that!” Mom took a lot of pictures. “Thank you!” They all shouted at the same time.

The whole family went downstairs to open the presents from their relatives and friends that were under the tree. They got awesome presents. They started to play with their gifts. Mom was just helping Olivia open her last present. “Look Olivia! It is a pretty dress!” said Mom. “Wow!” said Olivia. Next thing you knew, all the kids were excited and were all playing with their presents. Every 5 minutes one kid was showing their present to Mom or Dad.

“It has been a wonderful Christmas morning!” said Ella excitedly.

Merry Christmas!

By Ella Smith Grade 6


My Christmas Extravaganza

I love Christmas, it is my favourite time of year. It is time to spend with your family; my family has got some fun traditions that we do every year. Some of our favorite traditions are making a gingerbread house, decorating the tree and getting new Christmas Jammie’s on Christmas Eve and baking holiday treats.

My family loves to make gingerbread houses. We always have so much fun laughing and decorating with candies and icing. Sometimes we even eat some of the candies while we decorate! The best part is near the end when we are almost done we just throw the candies randomly on the house to make it perfect!

One of our other traditions is to decorate the Christmas tree on the first weekend of December. It reminds us of all our past Christmas when we take out all of our ornaments…Like my first Christmas!  Every year we get a new ornament to add to our collection. While we decorate, my family loves to sing Christmas songs and watch Christmas movies.

We always decorate the whole house which makes it so warm and cozy. My brother always likes to put the star on the top of the tree and I like to hang the stockings and wear my Santa hat. On Christmas Eve, we always get to open one present…it is always our Christmas Jammies that we wear to bed that night!

My family loves to bake holiday cookies and treats. The only problem is that in one day there almost gone because my grandpa comes and eats them all!! On Christmas morning we eat are yummy Christmas breakfast with pancakes and bacon.

My family has such fun Christmas Traditions that really help to make this time of year my favourite time of all!

by Keanna Hepburn


Marsh Day

“Rosie get up!” her mom said lightly as she stroked her head. “Its time for Marsh Day!"

Every year, on July 24th at midnight the whole town celebrates “Marsh Day.” Rosie sprung out of her bed and got her boots on, her and her parents then went to the city’s Marsh. At the Marsh the whole town was there. Rosie saw frigs, turtles, fireflies, fish and even ducks! She couldn’t  believe all the amazing things she saw at twelve at night!

They used the fireflies to light up the marsh, it looked so beautiful! she thought. After everyone got there, they started playing music and setting up food.

Rosie walked by a little pond that was hidden by tall cat tails, suddenly she heard soft whimpering. She took a step closer and yanked some cat tails out of the way to reveal a baby raccoon drowning. Rosie thought about getting her mom for help, but she couldn’t risk the life of this raccoon, it was clear to her that this little raccoon’s life was in her hands, she definitely did not want to be responsible for this little raccoons death! Without a further thought Rosie grabbed the raccoon out of the water and wrapped it in her sweater. The raccoon was shaking terribly, Rosie was amazed! She just saved a baby raccoon's life! And that truly was the best feeling ever!

But what now? She thought. It was obviously freezing cold! Then out of nowhere a raccoon stood in front of Rosie, eyeing her. Rosie put the raccoon down saying goodbye, the mother raccoon then took the baby away into the bushes. “This is truly the best Marsh Day ever!” said Rosie. She knew she would always remember this Marsh Day!

by Elise Anderson, Grade 6


A Christmas List

I woke at five in the morning. I burst out of bed rushing to my parents room.

“Wake up!” I shouted. “It’s Christmas!”

“Wait until nine.” My mother told me lazily. Fine, I thought. I’ll just do something else until nine. Here is what I did that one Christmas.

Number one, make some Christmas brownies, shaped like pine trees or gingerbread men, just don’t burn down the house.

Number two, take the dog for a walk. Who doesn’t enjoy a nice Christmas walk? This works for other animals too (cats, rabbits, guinea pigs).

Number tree, read a book. I know, I know, but save your ‘What’s’ and ‘Do I have to’s ‘ for later, if you find a good book, you might actually enjoy yourself. I know, a book? Fun? But I’m serious, go read a book.

Number four, watch Christmas specials like “Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer” the clay version, it’s cuter.

Number five, run around your neighbourhood singing Christmas carols at the top of your lungs, someone will appreciate your beautiful singing voice.

Number six, build with snow! Might it be an igloo or a snowman, a car or an airplane, hey, you could build a secret compartment filled with snowballs for later use. If it doesn’t snow in your area, then ignore this section completely.

And, last but not least, number seven, clean up the house. Family and friends must be coming, it’s Christmas, or just clean up for your parents or, make them breakfast in bed, they’ll appreciate it. Anyways, that’s my Christmas list, hope you enjoyed. Merry Christmas.

by Elise Anderson, Grade 6


The day of the dog

It was nearing Christmas time, and also very close to the day of the dog. On January the second, the dogs and owners would gather on the beach to party and exchange gifts.

Mr. Summers and his new dog, Chip, were Christmas shopping at the store. All of a sudden, Chip began to bark, and Jasmine approached with her dog, Salsa. Jasmine handed Mr. Summers an envelope and headed off. Mr. summers tore off the top of the envelope and read.

“Dear Summers, you have been invited to Jasmine’s Annual Dog Party! Meet us on the beach, and bring your dog and a good present for him too. The date and the time of the event is January 2 at noon.’’

He closed the card and checked his watch. “Wow!” he exclaimed, “it’s really late!” He hurried out to his car and drove off. It was Christmas Eve and there were only eight days left until the day of the dog. He had bought gifts for Chip.

On Christmas day, he and some friends slid rocks across his frozen pond and exchanged gifts before heading home.

Finally, it was day of the dog. And at twelve, he drove down to the beach, but when he got there, he was surprised to find that his dog could talk! All the dogs spoke. “Hey Marty let’s play fetch!’’ barked a collie to a Shepard. Then, afterwards, they had cake, and people began to head home. But, Mr. Summers stayed on the beach with Chip. ‘’Hello!’’ said Chip. "Hi," said Mr. summers. "So….got any treats?’’ asked Chip. "Nope," said Summers. And with that, they both turned and walked into the fading moonlight, together.

The end!

By Jasmine Sly, Grade 6


Holiday Traditions

We have two strange holiday traditions in my family that I want to tell you about – getting Christmas dinner every year and putting up our tree.

We think about Christmas dinner all year long in our family because right after one Christmas dinner, my Dad, who does all the meal-planning, shopping and cooking in our house, starts saving-up points from Thrifty’s so he can get the ingredients for our next Christmas dinner for free, (or almost free).  My Mom and I are NOT ALLOWED to spend his points on anything else!

Where we place our tree is our second strange tradition.  Every year for the past four years, since we got our two family cats, we have had to put up the artificial family Christmas tree in my bedroom. We found out that our cats would eat the tree needles and decorations any time they were left alone with the tree. Not only could they get sick, it would leave bare spots on the tree.

So, every Christmas morning I get to wake up, and BOOM – all the presents are there, right at my feet! I wake up the rest of the family and then everyone sits around in my room in their pyjamas and we open the presents there. We even let the cats come in and play with the wrapping paper.

Thank you for reading about two of my holiday traditions. I hope you have a wonderful Christmas.

By Keagan Tait, Grade 6 (and Goldstream News Gazette paper carrier)