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LRT reminiscent of fast ferry fiasco

Re: Time to get on with light rapid transit, Letters, Jan. 25 2012.

Re: Time to get on with light rapid transit, Letters, Jan. 25 2012.

I couldn’t disagree more than I do with John Luton’s view on light rapid transit.

Even with the fastest population growth imaginable for the Capital Regional District, $1 billion for a toy train (that will service at most about 50,000 people) is ridiculous.

I have been involved with transit in Victoria for more than 30 years and we used to have a transit lane in downtown that worked very well until they put in pedestrian bubbles.

Give us an HOV lane on the highways and your problem is solved for many years into the future and for a lot less than $1 billion.

This city will never have the population to support an expensive LRT. It’s time to stop looking at the stars and get your feet back on the ground. Remember the “fast ferries.”

Vince Bennallack
