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Key to cutting down on bad drivers is increased policing

When will voters support better policing by electing officials who actually care about human life?

Re. “Speed enforcement is needed along Goldstream Avenue,” Aug. 1

Besides the existence of jerks, the reason one of your letter writers gets tailgated on Goldstream Avenue is the refusal of politicians to properly fund policing.

Stew Young et al preside over beautiful downtown Langford, complete with music, but do not support adequate policing, in my opinion.

Only police feet on the street will identify the deliberately dangerous drivers.

(Yes, provincial court changes to put more dangerous drivers in jail for rehabilitation attempts are also needed. Prison economics can be simple – you want to eat you work, just as your victims have to.)

Instead we have drunk drivers still on the street and people whose licence was rescinded for zooming around at dangerous speeds.

When will voters support better policing by electing officials who actually care about human life?

Keith Sketchley
